Intersnack Schweiz AG

Code of Conduct

Acting with integrity and trust is the key to success

Code of Conduct

This defines our ethical and moral objectives and approaches. It consists of seven principles that provide a guide for everyone who works in our company. It also ensures that we comply with all the applicable laws and regulations wherever we operate in the world.

Our Management Board is committed to applying best practices and good corporate governance throughout the Intersnack Group.

Our Group Compliance team is always available to answer any questions and address your concerns.

Email: compliance(at)

Our principles

  1. We produce top quality snacks to the highest standards.
  2. We always act with integrity.
  3. We deal honestly and in the best interests of the Intersnack Group.
  4. We condemn all forms of bribery and corruption.
  5. We treat other people fairly.
  6. We compete fairly and respect the free market.
  7. We respect the environment and conduct our business in a socially responsible manner.

Whistleblower system

We have set up a whistleblower system for the reporting of violations of laws or of our company values system. This web-based system is available to all employees, customers and suppliers throughout the Group for providing information by name or, if desired, completely anonymously, if a personal approach does not seem appropriate or has already been made. The whistleblower system can be found here.